Hi there, and welcome to my webpage.
The page you've reached will have to grow as time goes on. Until then, you might be interested in the earlier pages I've hosted on sourceforge and various other sites:
NablaA graphing calculator for 3D scalar and vector fields. I implemented this to help me visualize convection equations meant for Tectonics.js
Tectonics.js A 3d plate tectonics simulator that runs in a browser. This is the successor to my earlier tectonics simulator, below
3billionyearsA 3d animation covering 3 billion years of Earth's history. This started as a side project to tectonics.js
Relativity.scadAn OpenSCAD library meant to enable the construction of *very* complex 3 dimensional objects. Includes its own regex engine
Technological savagery - Some of my more recent work in 3d printing. My project is to create a self replicating 3d printer made from salvaged inkjet printers.
Pytectonics - a 3d plate tectonics simulator written in Python
Pyzzle - a myst-like game engine written in Python
Dryzzle - one of my earlier works, a video game written in the aforementioned engine
My Oblivion Mods - my work largely concerns Morrowind nostalgia mods such as those for the Morroblivion project. Also of note is a graphics user interface I pulled together for the Morroblivion conversion utility, the ESP Modifier