This is the globe as it would appear in the distant past.
It is a best guess. Scientists reconstruct maps like this from a number of methods. The most common method relies on the way rocks record the past direction of Earth's magnetic field. This method can be used to determine the orientation and latitude with which a rock formed. With radiochronology, scientists can also determine the time at which a rock formed. With a large enough dataset, scientists can reconstruct the entire Earth.
Times prior to 1 billion years have a large uncertainty.Landmass is color coded by modern day location:
White landmass has no modern counterpart
Scotese, C.R., 2014. Animation: Paleogeography (750Ma - Present day), PALEOMAP Project, Evanston IL.
Eglington, B., Evans, D., Pehrsson, S., 2012. Animation: Palaeoproterozoic development of the Nuna supercontinent.